Donate Now

AgScape is leading agriculture and food education in Ontario classrooms. As a registered charity, we rely on financial support from individuals and businesses in the agri-food sector to sustain and grow our activities.     

Donations can be designated to the program of your choice.  Every dollar helps to keep ag-education alive for the next generation.  (Registered Charitable Number: 13237 2285 RR0001)


AgScape will…

Inspire Career Choices in Agri-food
We connects students with examples of real jobs and real companies at


Challenge Myths

We present balanced, objective facts to students and encourage them to think critically about important agri-food topics


Know Education and Maintain a Unique Distribution System

Our resources and programs are curriculum-linked and we align with Ministry of Education Policies


Focus on Impact & ROI

We collect qualitative and quantitative feedback, evaluate our effectiveness and identify opportunities to continually improve.


Connect with 'Gen Z' (ages 10-20)

By 2020, Gen Z will account for 40% of consumers. They are the most technologically connected generation the world has ever see.  They spend an average of 7.5 hours per day consuming media. AgScape will remain relevant to this new generation of tech-savvy students through research, continual innovation and a focus on ‘speaking their language’.