
Our Vision

Leading a movement to bring agriculture and food education into all Ontario classrooms. Inspiring youth to see their role within the food system that’s a vehicle for social, economic, and environmental impact.

Our Mission

Through experiential and science-based programs, we empower Ontario youth and educators to understand their relationship to the agriculture and food system and ignite interest in related careers.

Our Values


We are committed to transparency, science, and accurate information.


We are passionate about helping others connect the role of agriculture and food to our economic, environmental, and social wellness. 


We inspire food literacy through best practices in student learning. 


We are driven to make an impact at an individual and community level.




We foster a culture of partnership through collaboration. 


We ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion in all that we do. 


We prioritize youth, volunteer, and staff safety above all.

Our History:

In 1991, Ontario Agri-Food Education was founded to promote agriculture and food learning in the classroom.

AgScape (registered incorporation name Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc.) is a registered charity incorporated under the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act of  Ontario. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs provides partial funding in support of AgScape's programs and services.



AgScape is a proud member of Agriculture in the Classroom-Canada (AITC-C). Responsible for bringing agriculture and food education to Ontario classrooms, AgScape is one of ten provincial members, who work alongside our national AITC-C partner to ensure every youth in Canada has an agriculture and food education experience.